Performing Arts
Submission deadline: 2024-04-19
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

In this highly informed world we live in, it can feel that all the questions have already been made, and all the answers are available for us. Knowledge is taken for granted, but the lived experience and the immense possibilities of our bodily (re)actions are still truths and questions in themselves that we should keep on asking. Why do we move the way we do, why do we use certain words more than others, why our body feels comfortable in some places, why do we get disgusted, how does our body work, what is actually human behavior and what is not.

Maybe, there is not one only answer to each of these questions, and any question regarding performance at all. Performance is the act of carrying out an action, whether the action is understood as physical or intangible–like an emotion.

That is why, we invite you in this Performance Art Section, to submit your research about the human body, the one we hold in many different capacities and characters, and generate new questions around its existence through performance. Experimentation is very much recommended, we want to know about processes, expectations, reality, and multiple results. Performance Art is a huge window to the body, the one that precedes other forms of art such as painting, sculpting, acting; it can be about the action of grabbing the paintbrush, the thoughts while touching the marble, the feelings after saying your lines.

Performance Art holds a wide variety of forms and types, and this journal is interested in all of them and how they can be experimental, and new knowledge to the world.

We look forward to receiving your contributions.


Performance; Heritage; Collective Memory; South American Performance Art; Metalinguistics; Absurd; Abjection; Genderization; Human Body; Identity; Intimacy; Queer; Adaptive Re-Use; Judson Dance Theater

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