Man-Machine-Environment System
Submission deadline: 2024-02-28
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the section “Man-Machine-Environment System” . 

The Man-Machine-Environment System is composed of three main elements: the people living at the same time and space, the tools, equipment, or machines they use, and the surrounding environment they are in. The three aspects of the system are interdependent. The environment influences the evolution of humanity; humankind manufactures machines; a new environment follows the emergence of machines; the new environment impacts human life, work, and survival. To some extent, all people and materials are in a certain Man-Machine-Environment System. Given the soaring world population and the increasingly severe environmental problems, the contradictions between man, machine, and the environment become sharper. Although the three factors in the Man-Machine-Environment System are relatively independent subsystems that have their own attributes, systematic research on the whole system is indispensable to the coordinated development of the three subsystems and the social warfare of the entire world.

Therefore, research on the progress of the system or the relationships between factors in the system can reveal the interdependence in the system and help balance the development of humankind, machine, and the environment.

Research articles and reviews in this area of study are welcome. We look forward to receiving your contributions.


Leading Section Editor:

Dr. Jingwen Qi

Section Editors:

Dr. Nazir Ullah


Man character; Machine character; Environment character; Man-Environment Relationship; The Machine-Environment Relationship; The Overall Performance of Man-Machine-Environment System; Ergonomics; Safety; Reliability; Suitability

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