Political Philosophy
Submission deadline: 2024-04-19
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

The “Political Philosophy” section of the “Forum for Philosophical Studies” is dedicated to the transformations of the contemporary world and the possible alternatives emerging at the present time, as well as to studies that aim to understand and analyze current political issues. This research can be developed in fields such as the relationship between ethics and politics, studies on democracy, sovereignty and the State, intersections between politics, religion, ontology and/or metaphysics, the field of arts and scientific knowledge, as well as the developments between politics and the various philosophical anthropologies around the planet.

We are also interested in approaches that privilege the intersections between politics and tele-technologies and media in general, as well as works that address urgent issues in politics, such as the question of identity and differences, the problem of hegemony and social and minority movements, the rise of the extreme right in the world, new colonialisms and postcolonial studies, the problem of war and its various consequences, the expressions of political thought in the global South, the interfaces between politics and ecology, and between politics and psychosocial studies, among others.

With this, we aim to offer a wide scope for political philosophy researchers, without giving up the complexity of the relationships between this and the history of philosophy, but also by the thought that questions this very tradition, pointing to new perspectives, concepts and practices to think about the increasingly globalized contemporary world.

For this, we hope to receive contributions that dialogue with one of the topics listed above, and that intend to engage in current political thought, offering, if possible, new angles of approach and other perspectives in relation to the problems that cross contemporary political philosophy.

All kinds of articles that related to these topics are welcome.


Current issues; State and Democracy Theories, Interdisciplinarity, Philosophical Anthropologies and the Global South; Tele-technologies; Psychosocial analysis, Minorities and social movements; Ecology and the environmental issue

Published Paper