Cell and Tissue Models
Submission deadline: 2023-12-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,

Cell and tissue models serve as indispensable tools for investigating the structure and function of cells and tissues in vitro. These models provide researchers with the ability to study cellular and tissue behavior under controlled conditions, free from the complexities of the whole organism. They find applications in diverse research areas, including drug development, toxicity testing, and disease modeling.


Cell models are typically derived from a specific cell type, such as cancer cell lines or primary cell cultures. These models enable the examination of cellular behavior under various conditions, such as exposure to drugs or toxins. On the other hand, tissue models are more intricate, often involving multiple cell types arranged in a three-dimensional structure that mimics the architecture of a specific tissue or organ.


In essence, cell and tissue models play a pivotal role in comprehending cellular and tissue behavior in vitro. By utilizing these models to investigate disease processes and develop new drugs, we can enhance treatment efficacy and deepen our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of diseases.


This section warmly welcomes research articles and reviews that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this field.


We look forward to receiving your contributions.

Dr. Federico Greco

Dr. Bhumika Singh

Section Editors


cell and tissue models; disease modeling; cancer cell lines; primary cell cultures; structure and function

Published Paper