Submission deadline: 2023-12-31
Section Collection Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear colleagues,

Over the last years, following Moore’s law, the size of our electronic devices has decreased whereas, their capabilities and specifically their integrated circuits and their capabilities have exponentially increased. Wearables are defined as electronic devices, typically consisting of low-power and low-cost microsensors which are worn to our bodies and gather information for physical and physiological attributes (e.g., oxygen saturation, heart rate, sleep quality, skin temperature, etc.).  Since they are worn, this term is usually used for epidermal electronics i.e. devices constating of sensors of different forms and sizes such as wrist monitors, chest/head/leg/hand straps, and smart clothing typically using GPS and RFID components. The everyday use of Wearables devices spans a vast subject of different applications from sports science and military training to health care and medicine.

Over the last decade, Wearables have evolved from simple electronic devices to application-specific middleware systems that except for receiving bio-signals via a set of wires, incorporate a smart operation i.e. they analyze their input data and transmit valuable insights regarding the monitoring and feedback of performance or activities. Nowadays, Wearables are increasingly popular since they are used in most aspects of human activities from our everyday lives (fitness trackers and smartwatches) to professional or novice athletes (muscle oxygen saturation, heart rate variability monitoring) or patients with chronic diseases (heart rates, diabetes). As such, it is noticed that they have evolved into complex devices used for monitoring and tracking our performance or in general the health and fitness of an individual.

This Section Collection aims to provide an issue where physicists and electrical and electronic engineers will present their new analytical methods, simulation techniques, and recent advancements in microelectronic devices and electronics.

Section Editors

Assoc. Prof. Ashish Kumar Yadav

Dr. Zacharias Viskadourakis

Alexandros Gazis

Dr. Malgorzata Holynska


wearable technology; wearable devices; wearable microsensors; physiological variable devices; smart wearables; smart microsensors; electronic devices

Published Paper