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Towards Industry 4.0: Color-based object sorting using a robot arm and real-time object detection

Ze Chern Ong, Kok Hoe Ho, Wen-Shyan Chua


With the introduction of Industry 4.0, automation and robotics have made great strides, enabling enterprises to improve their manufacturing processes for increased productivity and efficiency. This project introduces a novel method for implementing Industry 4.0 concepts through color-based object sorting employing a robot arm with real-time object identification capabilities. Creating a reliable and effective system that can automatically categorize items based on their color properties is the main goal of this project. To enable seamless object recognition and manipulation in real time, the suggested system integrates robotic manipulation with computer vision algorithms. The system makes use of a convolutional neural network (CNN) for precise object detection, using recent advancements in deep learning and image processing, allowing the robot arm to interact with a variety of items effectively. The training phase and the sorting phase are the two key phases of the approach. The CNN model is trained on a sizable dataset of labeled objects during the training phase to recognize various colors and forms. In order for the robotic arm to recognize things as they go along the conveyor belt and sort them into predetermined bins according to their respective colors, the trained model must be integrated with the robotic arm during the sorting phase. Several experiments are carried out with various lighting setups and object arrangements to evaluate the performance of the suggested system. The outcomes show how well the system performs in terms of exact object detection and reliable sorting. The system’s capacity to effectively handle a variety of objects and adapt to changing environmental conditions further emphasizes its suitability for use in actual industrial scenarios. This project has important ramifications for the manufacturing sector, enabling improved automation capabilities and cost-efficiency. An important step towards implementing Industry 4.0 principles is the seamless integration of color-based object sorting and real-time object detection using a robotic arm. This will allow industries to optimize their production processes, minimize human intervention, and increase overall productivity. Further developments in robotics and computer vision are anticipated to push the limits of automation and open the door for more advanced and intelligent industrial systems as technology develops.


Industry 4.0; color-based sorting; robotic arm; real-time object detection; convolutional neural network (CNN); Internet of things (IoT)

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